
We Are Frontier Applications.

We Craft Stunning
Mobile Experiences.

About Us

Frontier Applications is a mobile applications specialist based in London, England. We are currently building our team of creative designers and experienced developers.


What We Do.

We offer a comprehensive suite of services that encompass the entire lifecycle of app development, from the initial design phase right through to hosting and ongoing feature updates and maintenance. Below is an overview of how we bring value to our clients.

UI/UX Design

Our approach to UI/UX design focuses on creating intuitive and visually appealing interfaces that enhance user engagement and satisfaction. By meticulously planning the user journey, we ensure a seamless experience from the first touchpoint, employing sophisticated design techniques to craft layouts that are not only beautiful but also functional. Our design process includes thorough prototyping, allowing us to refine and perfect the app's appearance and usability, ensuring it resonates well with the target audience and stands out in the competitive market.


Our expert team combines cutting-edge front-end and robust back-end technologies to construct applications that are both powerful and efficient. Through rigorous testing protocols, including unit, integration, and user acceptance tests, we guarantee the delivery of a high-quality product that meets all technical requirements.


Our launch process is carefully designed to ensure maximum visibility and user acquisition from day one. We ensure that the app is fully optimized and ready for the influx of new users, conducting final stress tests and adjustments to guarantee a smooth rollout. We also implement tracking and analytics from the start, enabling us to monitor user feedback and performance closely, setting the stage for immediate and ongoing improvements.

Related Services

Beyond the initial development and launch, we offer regular updates and maintenance to add new features, improve functionality, and ensure compatibility with the latest operating systems and devices. Our advanced security protocols protect user data and guard against unauthorized access, while our analytics and performance monitoring tools provide valuable insights into user behavior and app performance.

Get In Touch

Have an idea or an epic project in mind? Get in touch with our Projects Lead, Wayne George at

Where to Find Us

124 City Road

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